Qtr No. 213, New Town Yehlanka Indore 454775
Consider the structure of three table department, computer and employee as shown below. John, a database admin would like to remove all three tables from database as they no longer are being used. Identify the correct commands.
Column Name | Data Type/Size | Description | Constraints |
dept_id | integer | Department id | primary key |
dept_name | varchar (30) | Department name | not null |
Column Name | Data Type/Size | Description | Constraints |
comp_id | integer | Computer id | primary key |
comp_make | varchar (30) | Computer make | not null |
Column Name | Data Type/Size | Description | Constraints |
emp_id | integer | Employee id | primary key |
emp_name | Varchar (30) | Employee name | not null |
comp_id | integer | Computer id | Foreign key referring to comp_id column of computer table |
dept_id | varchar (30) | Department id | Foreign key referring to dept_id column of department table |
DROP table department;
DROP table computer;
DROP table employee;
DROP table department CASCADE;
DROP table computer;
DROP table employee;
DROP table department CASCADE;
DROP table computer CASCADE;
DROP table employee;
DROP table employee;
DROP table department;
DROP table computer;
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Qtr No. 213, New Town Yehlanka Indore 454775